Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hebrew Alphabet

AH: Image: Ah-Lap = Ox Head, Cattle

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Ah)
History & Reconstruction

The original pictograph for this letter is a picture of an ox or bull head -  representing strength and power from the work performed by the animal. This pictograph also represents a chief or other leader. When two oxen are yoked together for pulling a wagon or plow, one is the older and more experienced one who leads the other. Within the clan, tribe or family the chief or father is seen as the elder who is yoked to the others as the leader and teacher.

The Modern Yiddish name for this letter is aleph and corresponds to the Greek name Alpha and the Arabic name Aleph.

In Ancient Hebrew this letter is pronounce as "Ah", in Modern Yiddish this letter is silent but was originally used as the vowel "A" as well as a glottal stop. The Greek letter "Alpha" derived from the "Aleph" is also used for the "A" sound.

The Early Semitic pictograph Ox Head was simplified to the image shown in the Middle Hebrew script and continued to evolve into the Assyrian script and then later in the Late Yiddish script.

The Modern Yiddish letter  א developed out of the Late Semitic. The Middle Semitic was adopted by the Greeks to be the letter "A" and carried over into the Roman "A". The Middle Semitic script became the number "1" we use today.

BA: Image: Ba-Yath = House or Tent

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Ba)

History & Reconstruction

Several variations were used for the original pictograph. Each variations of pictographs are representative of a house or tent. The pictograph shown in the early alphabet is chosen as it best represents the tents of the Hebrews. The tent was divided into two sections, men's and women's, with the entrance at the front of the tent in the men's section and an entrance from the men's to the women's section.

The Hebrew word (Ba) means house or tent as well as family. A common designation for a family is to identify the “house” of the family patriarch such as in “The house of Jacob”.

The meanings of this letter are house, tent, family as well as in, with, inside or within as the family resides within the house or tent.

The original Ancient Hebrew name for this letter is Ba, the parent root of the child root (meaning house). The Modern Yiddish name for this letter is Bet/Beth and is equivalent to the Greek name beta and the Arabic name Beyt/Beth.

This letter is pronounced as a “Ba” in ancient Paleo Hebrew and in Modern Yiddish as "B" or Bh (v)".

This letter is commonly used as a prefix to words to mean “in” or “with” as in “be'erets” meaning “in a land”.

The Early Semitic letter shown evolved into the Middle Semitic script, then into in the Late script, and then into the Modern Yiddish script.

The Modern Hebrew letter ב developed out of the Late Semitic. The Middle Semitic script was adopted by the Greeks to become the letter b (a reverse direction due to being written from right to left instead of left to right) and the Roman B and b. The Late Semitic script shown then became the number “2” we use today.

GA: Image: Ga-Mal = Camel

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Ga)
History & Reconstruction
The earliest known pictograph for this letter is a picture of a camel. The Early Hebrew name for this letter is “Ga”. This letter in Modern Yiddish is "Gimel", Arabic letter “Geem” and the Greek “gamma”.

The word “Ga” means to gather together as a group of animals gathering at the water hole to drink. The pictographic script for the word “Ga” as shown in the Early script is the foot representing “walk”.

The letter shown has the meanings of walk, carry or gather. The sound associated with this letter is a “Ga” in Ancient Hebrew and “G” as in Modern Yiddish.

The Early Semitic letter as shown became (a turn of 180 degrees) in the Middle Semitic script. This letter further developed as shown in the Late Semitic script. The Late Semitic script further developed into the Modern Yiddish  ג. The Middle Semitic script became the Greek G (a reversal of the letter due to direction of writing) as well as the Roman C and G. The Late Semitic became the number "3" we used today.

DA: Image: Da-Lath = Tent Door

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Da)
History & Reconstruction
 There are two possibilities for the original Early Semitic pictograph for this letter, a picture of a fish and a picture of a door. The modern Ancient Hebrew name for this letter is “Da” and means “door”. The Modern Yiddish name for this letter is "Dalet", the Arabic name for this letter is “Dal” and the Greek name for this letter is "Delta".

The basic meaning of the Early letter shown is “door” but has several other meanings associated with it. It can mean “a back and forth movement” as one goes back and forth through the tent through the door. It can mean “dangle” as the tent door dangled down from a roof pole of the tent. It can also mean weak or poor as one who dangles the head down.

The sound for this Ancient Hebrew letter is a “Da” as in “door”, in Modern Yiddish it is "D"

The Early Semitic pictograph evolved into the Middle Semitic letter as shown. The Middle Semitic then evolved into the Late Semitic letter,  the early form of the Modern Yiddish ד. The Middle Semitic letter is the origin of the Greek letter D, The Roman D and the number "4" we use today.

HA: Image: Hah = Arms raised, Behold (Ha-Nah)     

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Ha)
History & Reconstruction
 The original pictograph for this letter is a man standing with his arms raised out. The Ancient Hebrew and original name for this letter is “Ha”. The Hebrew word “Ha” means “behold”, as when looking at a great sight. This word can also mean “breath” or “sigh” as one does when looking at a great sight. The meaning of the Early letter shown is behold, look, breath, sigh and reveal or revelation from the idea of revealing a great sight by pointing it out.

The Modern Yiddish sound for this letter is “H”. When the Greeks adopted this letter it became the “epsilon” with an “Eh” sound. The Yiddish called this letter "Hey", the Greek called this letter "Eta"(h), "Epsilon "and the Arabic letter is "Gim"

This letter is commonly used as a prefix to words to mean “the” as in “ha'arets” meaning “the land”. The use of this prefix is to reveal something of importance within the sentence.

The Early Semitic shown evolved into the Middle Semitic shown by rotating the letter 90 degrees to the left. This letter then evolved into the late Semitic script shown that developed into the Modern Yiddish ה. The Middle Semitic was adopted by the Greeks and the Romans to become the E (reversed due to the direction of writing). This Middle Semitic letter also became the number "5" we use today.

WA: Image: Wa = Hook, Peg     

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Wa)
History & Reconstruction

The original pictograph used in the Early Semitic script as shown, is a picture of a tent peg. The tent pegs were made of wood and may have been Y-shaped to prevent the rope from slipping off.

The Ancient Hebrew name for this letter is “Wa”, a word meaning “peg” or “hook”. This letter is used in Modern Yiddish it is "Waw" or Vav" and as a consonant with a “v” or "u" sound and as a vowel.

As the pictograph indicates, this letter represents a peg or hook, which are used for securing something. The meaning of this letter is to add or secure.

This letter is frequently used as a prefix to words to mean “and” in the sense of adding things together.

The Early Semitic shown evolved into the Middle Semitic script shown. This letter then became the Late Semitic script that shown and evolved into the Modern Yiddish ו. The Middle Semitic letter was adopted by the Greeks and the Romans to be the letter F but was dropped from the Greek alphabet later. The Late Semitic form of the letter became the number "9" we use today.
ZA: Image: Za-Yan = Tool, Weapon 

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Za)
History & Reconstruction
The ancient pictograph for this letter is some type of agricultural implement similar to a mattock or plow. The meanings of this letter are “harvest” or “crop” as this tool is used in the harvesting, “food” as from the harvest, “cut” from the function of the implement and “broad” from its shape.

The Ancient Hebrew name for this letter is “Za”, the Modern Yiddish is called "Zayin". When the Greeks adopted the letter its name was originally “Zan” but later became “Zeta”, the modern name for this letter in the Greek alphabet. It is pronounce as "Za in Ancient Hebrew and the sound for this letter is a “z” in Greek and Arabic.

The Early Semitic pictograph was simplified as shown and evolving into the Late Semitic script as shown and evolved into the Modern Yiddish letter ז . The Greeks and Romans adopted this letter to become the letter “Z”. The Late Semitic Letter became the number "7" we use today.

CHAA: Image: Cha-Yath = Tent Wall  (Chaa-Wa-Taza)

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Chaa)
History & Reconstruction

The ancient pictograph shown is a picture of a tent wall. The meanings of this letter is outside as the function of the wall is to protect the occupants from the elements, halp as the wall in the middle of the tent divides the tent into the male and female sections and secular as something that is outside.

The Ancient Hebrew name for this letter is "Chaa" meaning a string. In Modern Yiddish this word is " Hhets" or "Chet".  The sound of the letter, in Ancient Hebrew is a "Chaa" and in Modern Yiddish it is “Ch”.

The early Semitic pictograph shown evolved into the Middle Semitic script shown by being rotated 90 degrees. This letter continued to evolve into the Late Semitic script shown. The Middle Semitic script is the origin of the Greek and Roman H while the late Semitic script became the Modern Yiddish ח. The Middle Semitic form of this letter became the number "8" we use today.

TA: Image: Ta-Yath = Basket (Ta-Nah)   

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Ta)
History & Reconstruction

The original pictograph for this letter shown is a container made of wicker or clay. Containers were a very important item among the Hebrews. They were used for storing grains and other items. Wicker baskets were used as nets for catching fish. The meanings of this letter are basket, contain, store and clay.

The Ancient  Hebrew letter shown is "Ta". In Modern Yiddish this letter is "Tet".  When the Greeks adopted the Hebrew alphabet this letter the Greek "Theta". The original sound for this letter is "Ta".

In Ancient Hebrew this letter would pronounce as "Ta" and in Modern Yiddish this letter would pronounced as “Thet”.

The Early Semitic letter shown remained unchanged into the Middle Semitic script as shown but was simplified as shown in the Late Semitic script. The Late Semitic letter became the "Theta", in the Greek alphabet, the Modern Yiddish ט and our number "6" we use today.

YA: Image: Yad = Hand    

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Ya)
History & Reconstruction

The Early Semitic pictograph of this letter as shown is an arm and hand. The meaning of this letter is work, make and throw, the functions of the hand. The Ancient Hebrew name “Ya” and in Modern Yiddish as "Yod" or Yud"

The Ancient Hebrew pronunciation of this letter is "Ya" and in Modern Yiddish it is pronounce as "Y" or "I". The Greek language adopted this letter as the “Iota”, carrying over the “i” sound.

The Ancient pictograph shown was turned 90 degrees to become the the Middle Semitic script shown. The letter continued to evolve into the simpler form in the Late Semitic script shown. The Middle Semitic form became the Greek and Roman I. The Late Semitic form became the Modern Yiddish.

KA: Image: Kap = Palm of Hand

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Ka)
History & Reconstruction

The Ancient Hebrew form of this letter shown is the open palm of a hand. The meanings of this letter are bend and curve from the shape of the palm as well as to tame or subdue as one who has been bent to another's will.

The Ancient Hebrew name for this letter is "Ka", a Hebrew word meaning “palm” and is the original name for the letter. This letter is pronounced as “Ka”, In Modern Yiddish this letter is “Kaph”, when used as a stop or as a “Kh”, "K" or "J".

The Early Semitic letter shown evolved into the Middle Semitic script shown. This letter continued to evolve into the Late Semitic script shown and becoming the Modern Yiddish כ and the ך (final Kaph). The Middle Semitic letter became the Greek and Roman K (written in reverse direction).

LA: Image: La-Mad = Shepherd Staff

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (La)
History & Reconstruction

The Early Hebrew pictograph shown is a serpent stance. The shepherd staff was used to direct sheep by pushing or pulling them. It was also used as a weapon against predators to defend and protect the sheep.

The meaning of this letter is toward as moving something in a different direction. This letter also means authority, as it is a sign of the shepherd, the leader of the flock. It also means yoke, a staff on the shoulders as well as tie or bind from the yoke that is bound to the animal.

This letter is used as a prefix to nouns meaning “to” or “toward”.

The Ancient Hebrew name of this letter is “La”. In Modern Yiddish this letter is "Lamed", similarly is the Greek name “Lamda”. The Arabic name however is “Lam” retaining an older two letter root name for the letter and the probable original name.

In Ancient Hebrew this letter is pronounced as "La" and in Modern Yiddish this letter is pronounce as "L".

The original pictograph for this letter shown has remained virtually unchanged through the ages. The Middle Semitic remained the same but changed slightly to the Late Semitic script shown becoming the ל in the Modern Yiddish script. The Early Semitic is the Greek L (upside down) and the Roman L.

MA: Image: Ma-Yam = Water

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Ma)
History & Reconstruction

The Early Semitic pictograph shown for this letter is a picture of waves of water. This pictograph has the meanings of liquid, water and sea, mighty and massive from the size of the sea and chaos from the storms of the sea. To the Hebrews the sea was a feared and unknown place, for this reason this letter is used as a question word, who, what, when, where, why and how, in the sense of searching for an unknown.

The Ancient Hebrew name for this letter is “Ma” probably from the word “Mayam” meaning “water”. The word “Mayam” is the plural form of “Mah”, the original name for this letter, meaning “What”. The Modern Yiddish name is "Mem". The Greek name for this letter is “Mu”.

The Ancient Hebrew sound for this letter is “Ma”, and in Modern Yiddish it is "M".

The Early Semitic letter shown evolved into the Middle Semitic shown and continued to evolve into the Late Semitic script shown. The Late Semitic script became the מ and ם (final Mem) of the Modern Yiddish script. The Early and Middle Semitic script is the  the Greek and Roman M.

NA: Image: Na-Wan = Continuation through Seed

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Na)
History & Reconstruction

The Ancient pictograph shown is a picture of a seed sprout representing the idea of continuing to a new generation. This pictograph has the meanings of continue, perpetuation, offspring or heir.

The Ancient Hebrew name is “Na”, a Hebrew word meaning continue, offspring or heir. In Modern Yiddish it is "Nun".

In Ancient Hebrew this is letter is pronounce as "Na" and in Modern Yiddish it is "N".

The Early Semitic letter shown evolved into the Middle Semitic script as shown and continued to evolve into the Late Semitic script as shown. The Late Semitic script became the Modern Yiddish נ and ן (final Nun). The Middle Semitic script became the N (written in reverse direction) in both the Greek and Roman alphabets.

SA: Image: Sa-Mak = Support (for Clothing)

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Sa)
History & Reconstruction

There are several possibilities for the original Semitic pictograph shown including a support for clothing. The pictograph shown is used almost exclusively through the history of this letter. This picture has the meanings of pierce and sharp. This letter also has the meaning of a shield as thorn bushes were used by the shepherd to build a wall or shield, made to enclose his flock during the night to protect them from predators. Another meaning is to grab hold as a thorn is a seed that clings to hair and clothing.

The Ancient Hebrew name for this letter is "Sa", which is a word that means support, with no apparent connection to a two letter parent root or to the meaning of the original picture of this letter. The Arabic alphabet does not have this letter and the Greek letter derived from this letter is called the "Ksi".  The name for this letter in Modern Yiddish is "Samech" or "Sin".

In Ancient Hebrew this letter is pronounce as "Sa" and in the Modern Yiddish alphabet (ש) it has two names and sounds, Shin (sh) and Sin (s). All the words using the sin are related in meaning to the words using the Modern Yiddish "Samech" in the same place as the "Sin". The Greek sound for the letter is "ks", similar to the "s".

The early Semitic letter shown evolved into the the middle Semitic as shown. This letter continued to evolve into the late Semitic as shown. This letter became the ס in the Modern Yiddish alphabet. The late Semitic is reversed in the Greek alphabet becoming the x and X. The Greek letter X became the Latin X.

I: Image: I-Yan = Eye

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (I)
History & Reconstruction

The Ancient picture for this letter is a picture of an eye as shown. This letter represents the ideas of seeing and watching as well as knowledge as the eye is the window of knowledge.

The name of the Ancient Hebrew letter is "I", a Semitic word meaning eye and is pronounce as "I". This letter is "Ayin" and is silent in Modern Yiddish. The Greek language assigned the vowel sound "o" to the letter. As Hebrew did not have one letter for the "o" sound the Greeks took this silent letter and converted it into a vowel.

The early Semitic letter shown evolved into the simpler middle Semitic and remained the same into the late Semitic period as shown. This letter evolved into the ע in the Modern Yiddish script. The middle Semitic became the Greek O and the Latin O.

PA: Image: Pah = Mouth

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Pa)
History & Reconstruction

The Ancient Hebrew word "Pa" means a "mouth" and there are several ancient Semitic pictographs believed to be this letter, none of which resemble a mouth. The only exception is the South Arabian. This pictograph closely resembles a mouth and is similar to the later Semitic letters for the letter "Pa". In Modern Yiddish this letter is "Pe" or "Pey" or "Peh".

In Ancient Hebrew this letter is pronounce as "Pa" and in Modern Yiddish as "P", "Ph" or "F".

This pictograph has the meanings of speak and blow from the functions of the mouth as well as the edge of something, as the lips are at the edge of the mouth.

The early Ancient Hebrew letter as shown evolved to the middle Semitic scripts as shown. The letter continued to evolved into the late Semitic script as shown. This letter evolved into the פ and ף (final Pey) in the Modern Yiddish script. The middle Semitic became the Greek P and the Latin P.

TAZA: Image: Ta-Zad-Ya = Trail

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Taza)
History & Reconstruction

The Ancient Hebrew pictograph for this letter is as shown. The word "Taza" means "side," but is also related to the idea of a stronghold, which is often built on the side of a mountain. The pictograph is a picture of a trail as leading up to a destination or stronghold.

The squiggly line is the trail while the circle is the destination. In Ancient Hebrew this letter is "Taza" and pronounce as "Taza". In Modern Yiddish this letter is "Tsadey", or "Tsadi" or "Tazdi" and is pronounce as "Ts" or "C".

The early pictograph shown evolved into the Middle Semitic script shown  and continued to evolve into the Late Semitic Script shown. From the middle Semitic script comes the Modern Yiddish צ and ץ. Modern Greek and Latin has no letter derived from this Semitic letter.

QA: Image: Qa-Wap = Horizon, Sun Setting

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Qa)
History & Reconstruction

The Ancient Hebrew letter shown were originally oriented in a horizontal plane and were tilted to a vertical plane.

The name of this Ancient Hebrew letter is "Qa", a parent root and pronounce as "Qa". In Modern Yiddish this letter is "Quph" or Qoph" or "Kuf" and pronounce as "Q", as well as Greek and Arabic.

The early pictograph as shown evolved into the Middle Semitic script as shown and continued to evolve into the Late Semitic Script as shown. From the middle Semitic script comes the Modern Yiddish ק. The Middle Semitic script is the Latin letter Q.

RA: Image: Ra-Ash = Head

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Ra)
History & Reconstruction

The Ancient Hebrew picture for this letter as shown is the head of a man. This letter has the meanings of head or man as well as chief, top, beginning or first.

The Ancient Hebrew name for this letter is "Ra" and pronounce as "Ra". The Modern Yiddish name for this letter is "Resh" or "Reish" and pronounce as "R", as well as Aramaic and  Greek.

The early pictograph shown evolved into the Middle Semitic script shown and continued to evolve into the Late Semitic Script shown. From the middle Semitic script comes the Modern Yiddish ר. The Middle Semitic script is also the origin of the Greek letter R and the Latin R.

SHA: Image: Shan = Tooth

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Sha)
History & Reconstruction

The Ancient Hebrew picture for this letter as shown is a picture of the a root of a teeth. This letter has the meanings of teeth, sharp and press (from the function of the teeth when chewing). It also has the meaning of two, again, both or second from the two teeth.

In Ancient Hebrew the name of this letter is "Sha" and pronounce as "Sha". The Modern Yiddish name for this letter is "Shin" or "Sin" and pronounce as "Sh" or "S".

The early pictograph shown evolved into the Middle Semitic script shown and continued to evolve into the Late Semitic Script as shown. From the middle Semitic script comes the Modern Yiddish ש. The Middle Semitic script is also the origin of the Greek letter S and the Latin S.

 THA: Image: Tha-Wa = Sign, Mark

Ancient Phoenician Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (Tha)
History & Reconstruction

The Ancient Hebrew picture shown is a type of "mark", probably of two sticks crossed to mark a place similar to the Egyptian hieroglyph of a picture of two crossed sticks. This letter has the meanings of mark, sign or signature.
In Ancient Hebrew the name of this letter is "Tha" and pronounce as "Tha".
The Modern Yiddish it is "Tav" or "Taw" as well as Arabic and Greek names for this letter is Tav (or Taw), and pronounce as "T" or "S", and same as in Greek and Arabic.

Phoenician Paleo – Greek – Modern Yiddish

Take a look at how the Phoenician Paleo Ancient Hebrew Alphabet eventually got corrupted by the EVILS that controls the World today.

Phoenician Paleo – Assyrian/Ezra – Modern Yiddish

Now let us take a look at how the Phoenician Paleo Ancient Hebrew Alphabet also got corrupted when using the Assyrian/Ezra Scripts, to Modern Yiddish or Modern day Hebrew, that is used widely today and is accepted as the official language of Hebrew.




  1. Wonderful toda raba (or tada raba)

  2. Does anyone have hard evidence of the Ah, Ba, Ga system? Where did this info derive from?

    1. Did you find an answer? I'm wondering the same thing

    2. You knew no other sound at birth....Adam knew only one sound "AH"... Look at your life skills they had to teach you "AH" sound first then they taught you the vowels which change the sounds in your ears. So from the very beginning Adam knew only one sound. Vowels came later.

  3. Thank you for this knowledge that is provide to everyone

  4. Where is the Hebrew 12 tribes and Hebrew Alphabet boxes below? Why are they missing? Just curious.

    1. It was removed by Google. I will try a different format soon and replace it. Shalam!
